How do I Create and Post a Job Ad?

1. From your Hirers' Recruitment Dashboard homepage, either click on 'Create Job Ad' button from the shortcuts or 'Jobs' menu tab from the menus then 'Create Job Ad' button to start composing your Job Ad.

2. Fill in the job details.

Part 1

Position TitleUse an appealing and commonly used job title.
No. of Available PositionsInput # of available vacancies.
Job SpecializationDescribe the expertise required for this role

Principal and Work Location

Country / State / City

Choose work country first to auto-populate State and/or City

'Muslim Applicants Only' filter and 'Gender' field will automatically appear once an Islamic work country is chosen.


Name and Address

Input either the main principal or the direct employer's name. Also, it is recommended to provide the complete employer address.
Minimum Years of Experience and EducationInput the required minimum year(s) of experience and education level for this role. 
Detailed Qualifications 

Define the requirements needed for this job. Minimum 3 qualifications are required wita minimum of 30 characters for each field

Some entries in the job information may be auto-populated in this field. 

To add another entry, click the 'Add Qualification' button and the 'Delete' button if you wish to delete.

Need ideas to detail your job ad? Use the 'Job Ad Library' button as a guide to create a quality job ad.

Job Description

List the responsibilities and duties that the job entails. A minimum of 3 qualifications are required with at least 30 characters for each field

Try to add another entry, click the 'Add Job Description' button
and the 'Delete' button if you wish to delete.

Additional InformationOptional field: It is recommended to provide other job-related information that you want the candidates to know(e.g. employment terms, benefitsother perks once hired, etc.)

Part 2

Approved Job OrderInput the employer’s DMW (formerly POEA) registration or accreditation #. 
Manpower Pooling

Tick the 'For Manpower Pooling tick-box' if the job ad is for manpower pooling status.

Be sure to tick 'I agree that the Manpower pooling ads posted on WorkAbroad are pre-approved by DMW (formerly POEA) and may be removed from the site if proven otherwise.' to confirm DMW's (formerly POEA) approval of your manpower pooling ad.

Job Documents

Choose from the options of 'Already uploaded Approved Job Order document?'.

Yes - Select the accreditation number of the employer from the dropdown.

No - Click the 'Choose File' button and select job documents to be uploaded. You can upload multiple documents and accepted file formats and size are PDF, jpg, jpeg or Png, not exceeding 2MB.

Placement fee Tick the 'No Placement fee' if job ad has no placement fee. Otherwise, no action is required.
Proposed Salary

Currency –  Bdefaultthe currency displayed is based on the chosen  country of workShould you opt for another currency, choose from the dropdown list. 

Minimum and Maximum Salary – A salary range is required for an approved job order. For manpower pooling ads, either input salary range or tick'Kindly check the box to confirm that no salary range will be shown for this job.'

Salary Frequency –  Choose applicable pay frequency –  Hourly, Daily, Monthly, or Annually.  

Employer's Interview Schedule 

Optional: Fill in these details: From, To, and Venue labels to share the employer's interview information with the candidates.

Send notification to

Be notified of the application received for the job by typing in the email address you wish to send a notification.

Use comma ( , ) to separate 
multiple email addresses. 

Job Ad Confirmation

Be sure to tick 'I certify that this job ad is in accordance with Section 76b.' to confirm compliance with DMW (formerly POEA) Rules and Regulations governing the recruitment and employment of land-based OFWs.

*Job ad information should match the approved job document details to ensure compliance with this ruling 

3. Click:

PREVIEW - to review job ads before posting

SAVE - to save the job ad draft. 

POST - to confirm to post the job ad.

Once your job ad is successfully posted, you will be prompted with a confirmation. "Job Opening Added Successfully!"

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