How do I view, follow-up and withdraw my online application?

1. Login to your Seamanjobsite account -

2. For desktop browser, click 'Applications' tab. If you are using mobile browser, click the four boxes icon on the upper left-hand corner then 'Applications'.

3. Choose your desired job to follow up or withdraw. Click on the three dots then 'Follow-Up' or 'Withdraw' button.

Important Reminders:

You may only follow up on your application 7 days after your application date or last follow-up date to give the agencies ample time to review your application.

Another option is to contact the manning agency which posted the job hiring. Click the name of the agency to view their contact numbers or search their profile through this link

Once the application is withdrawn, your profile is no longer visible to the agencies, unless your resume has been downloaded prior to your withdrawal.

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